Senin, 03 Oktober 2011
Jumat, 30 September 2011
kripik makicihh ada 2 versi?
tapi katanya kripik mak icih itu adda yang palsu lohhhh.... oiya gua jelasin dulu pedesnya kripik mak icih itu ada 3 tahap dari level 3, level 5 dan level 10(level paling pedesssssss) kalo kalian yang suka pedes dan belom nyoba keripik ini kalian wajibbbbbbbbb coba kripik ini. beuhhhhhh pertamanya tuh emang rada gurih gituhhh...belum terasa pedesnya tapi lama2 beuhhh ajib pedesnya BA*GSAT banget dehhhh hhhaaaa. ehhh balik lagi ke topik nah saking lagi terkenalnya keripik asal bandung ini ada 2 versi lohhh sampai sekarang pun saya ga tau yang mana yang asli tapinya kedua keripik camilan ini sama-sama pedes and enak bgt :) WELL YANG MANA DONG YANG ASLI YANG GAMBARNYA PAKE KERUDUNG / YANG LAGI NENGOK KE SAMPING?
Sabtu, 24 September 2011
this morn
hay long time no see pals :) how your feelin' this morning? I hope all of you very well today because its SUNDAY :) wohoyyy huhu my intensity write in my blog little beat down cause I'm busy with my collage. but I write ini my blog anytime if I want :) . hari libur itu hari yang sangat menyenagkan ga bisa di ganggu gugat hari libur itu waktu untuk my beloved family dan ga ada yang bisa ngeganggu. kalaupun ngelewatin weekand ga sama keluarga itupun udah di jadwalin dari jauh-jauh hari :) dan mau mengungkapkan sesuatu 'ispirasi dan kekreativitasan itu datengnya klo mood kita lagi bagus and happy klo mood lagi buruk MANA BISA ITU ISPIRASI DATENG! so jangan bikin mood orang jadi buruk klo ga mau di bilang troble maker!
Jumat, 16 September 2011
Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011
Raden Mohammad Marty Muliana Natalegawa, more commonly known as Marty Natalegawa, (born 22 March 1963 in Bandung, West Java) is an Indonesian diplomat and the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Second United Indonesia Cabinet. He served as Indonesia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations from September 5, 2007 until his latest appointment and has also served as the Indonesian Ambassador to the United Kingdom and as a spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Natalegawa went to school at Ellesmere College and Concord College in the United Kingdom, from 1976 to 1981. He went on to study at Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge where he was awarded a Master of Philosophy in 1985. He earned a BSc at the London School of Economics in 1984. Natalegawa also obtained a Doctor of Philosophy at the Australian National University in 1993. Natalegawa was born in Bandung, West Java. He is the youngest son of Sonson Natalegawa, who was a former director of a state-owned bank. Prior to becoming Permanent Representative to the United Nations on September 5, 2007, he was sworn in by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as the Indonesian Ambassador to the United Kingdom on November 11, 2005.In this capacity he spoke at a number of UK university societies. Before his assignment to be Indonesian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, he was Chief of Staff of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and as the Director General for ASEAN Cooperation in the Department of Foreign Affairs. He has also worked at the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia where he came into office in 1986. There, he worked in its Research and Development division. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono appointed him Minister of Foreign Affairs on October 21, 2009. Natalegawa is married to the Thai-born Sranya Bamrungphong. The couple have three children, Anantha, Annisa, and Andreyka.